IN a major success for Bradford Care Alliance, we previously informed members that BCA had secured the contract to deliver primary care streaming in the Emergency Department (ED) at Bradford Royal Infirmary. We are now pleased to announce that the service commenced delivery on November 20, 2017. 

BCA has successfully secured this opportunity for member practices as part of its ongoing approach and commitment to deliver sustainable primary care. This ensures that local GPs continue to deliver care for our population.

The clinical service will be provided by Kensington Street Surgery in collaboration with Clarendon Medical Centre. Local Care Direct are providing receptionist cover, rota management and reporting to support delivery of the service.

Our service model will be evaluated over the coming months to ensure that the service can deliver the required aims and outcomes.

The clinical leads for the service will be Dr Tariq Aziz and Dr Shiraz Ali and further updates on the progress of this initiative will be provided to you over the forthcoming months.

As a reminder the service has the following aims and objectives:

  • To provide a front-end streaming and primary care presence in ED at BRI to ensure that presenting patients are able to be rapidly assessed and streamlined into the most appropriate care pathway for their needs.
  • To provide an alternative pathway within BRI ED for people with conditions that are suitable for management by a Primary Care physician.
  • To fully integrate the primary care service into ED to provide seamless patient pathways irrespective of the nature of their condition.
  • To free up the emergency physicians to concentrate on the management of higher acuity patients and to support the delivery of the 4-hour target within ED.