The Clinical Advisory Board has proved to be the perfect vehicle to bring together Clinical Directors from across Bradford district & Craven to respond to the acute issues around Covid-19 and to look to the future. We have been fortunate in the last couple of months to also welcome colleagues from BTHFT and BDCFT to focus on how we can work together much better.

Work with BDCFT is now well underway on 3 care coordination pilots across the district, each with a focus on integrating the work of primary and community service teams. This work is beginning to spread across the PCNs and over the next few weeks we intend to share a plan with members on how the full integration of community services will be phased in across all Practices.

Both BTHFT and Airedale FT are joining the Clinical Advisory Board this month to work with Clinical Directors on how we approach access to elective and outpatient appointments. The pandemic has created some real challenges for the system in how we restart this work safely and collaboratively. We have also been facilitating some work around the provision of first contact physios to support the DES. Successful recruitment has now led to an offer to PCNs from the Trusts.

BCA, working with the CAB, is determined to capture the opportunities to support primary care to work differently, and in collaboration with partners, that this pandemic has afforded us. Your adaptability and determination to do the best for our patients will continue to put us in good stead to realise this future.