WE have been continuing to contribute to, and explore, this important piece of work with our partners in the Bradford Provider Alliance (BPA). The final draft of the agreement is now complete.
We are now ready to sign our SPA
YOU will have heard about this via our previous communications containing IMB updates and reports from the Board at CCF, CF and CoR and CoM meetings.
The final draft of the agreement has now been completed – with the target that this will be agreed by the end of March.
The BCA Board has sent a copy to LMC Law, and they have reassured us that there is no risk to our members and they are comfortable with the content.
Essentially, the framework is like a Memorandum of Understanding, which works rather like a club – we have to be part of it to operate in and transform services, but at the same time, we are not legally “bound” to it.
The agreement will be reviewed in the Autumn, with the opportunity to agree any changes amongst the signatories.
A presentation detailing the core elements of the SPA can be found here:
If you have any general comments or questions, please contact us at AdminBCA@bradford.nhs.uk. We now propose to sign up to this SPA.
The March blog from the IMB Chair is now also available to read here:
Thank you
Dr Richard G Haddad
Chairman, Bradford Care Alliance