WE are now in the final stage of our journey to become a fully operational organisation from April 1 – and, as you will find out at our shareholders’ meeting next week, the pace of change has accelerated since the New Year. Your continued support has a vital role to play for all of us in our future success. Read on for the Chair’s message.

Chair’s welcome

GREETINGS from the Bradford Care Alliance board and welcome to our latest update. I can report on their behalf that we have really had to step up the intensity of our work since the New Year.

We have unanimously agreed to co-opt Catherine Dymond until the end of March 2018 to support the board in the role of Director of Strategy and New Business Development. Her post continues to be funded by the CCG, which means we can draw upon her expertise at no cost to members. Whilst this role has no voting rights, it will enable Catherine to continue with the work she had led on for the Bradford Provider Alliance (BPA), being Programme Director up until March. By way of a reminder, the BPA is the emerging alliance of Bradford providers, including ourselves, working together on developing new services.

As you will see in this update, there are some critical issues that require your attention and so much more for us to prepare to become an operational organisation for April 1st.

Your continued engagement and co-operation, as well as the trust you are placing in us to progress things on your behalf are all appreciated. I am confident we will be able to go “live” and work to integrate the services for our patients with increasing rapidity. Thank you.

Dr Richard G Haddad
Chairman, Bradford Care Alliance